
Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

4/26/24 Monetize Your Book Tip 10: Money Mindset Part 2

Published 13 days ago • 2 min read

Hi, Reader!

Hopefully your answer to Tip 9 is: "I'm assuming I can make money from my book and new income streams." If so, you get an A+.

Let's get you an A+ with Tip 10: Money Mindset Part 2. The answer is yes. The question is: Are you wondering how you can?

The alternative, in case you're wondering, is wondering why you can't (make money from your books or income streams).

If you are anything other than certain you can (launch, grow, and prosper with your new income stream), I'm going to suggest you add mindset work to your plan. Even as you're executing on your income stream plan, you'll want to add in a daily protocol to manage and grow your mindset. I recently had a conversation with a retired pro baseball player turned family office manager, who said something profound: "You can control only two things in life: your attitude and your actions." He followed up with, "That's not always easy." No kidding! But you can make both easier by defining and over time refining your protocol.

The truth is, you already have a daily protocol (even if you don't realize it). It consists of what you think about, do, listen to, and/or watch, along with what you say to yourself. Each of these factor in to your current (today) and future (tomorrow and beyond) success. Here are some suggestions to level up your protocol, and as a by-product, your money mindset:

  • Think. There's scientific proof "what you think about you bring about." Dr. Maxwell Maltz talks about it in his famous book, Psycho-Cybernetics. Spend time daily thinking (picturing) about your future success and it will come faster and easier.
  • Do. Even a small daily habit of writing 100 words will yield you a book in just a few months. Putting in an hour a week (better: every day) will allow you to build a new income stream over time.
  • Listen to. Find a podcast or two that inspire you to stay positive, focused, and moving forward. I have one (all about monetizing your book) and here's one I listen to daily.
  • Watch. Reelz or motivation? News or a masterclass? Is what you're watching inspiring you to keep going ... or not? (You know what I mean.)
  • Self-talk. Run everything you say through this filter: would you say to your best friend what you're saying to yourself? If not, flip the script.

My daily protocol is a combination of all of the above, so while it might look like it's "easy magic" it is actually just me putting in the time, thinking I can, taking action, and making sure that I'm mostly on the right track.

Success doesn't come to you, it comes from you. You are cause, not effect. You can build a new income stream, starting right now, today. Go do it (and keep me posted).

I'll be back tomorrow with your Weekly Recap and on Monday with more on Monetizing Your Book!

Honorée Corder
Author. Author Strategist.

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Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

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