
Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

6/17/24 Book Marketing Minute #21

Published 9 days ago • 1 min read

Greetings, Reader,

📚 Book Marketing Minute #21: Unleash the Power of Book Series 📚 In this series, I’m exploring powerful strategies to help you effectively promote your book and reach more readers.

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Let’s talk about the magic of book series! 📖✨

If you’re not writing a series, you might be missing out on a golden opportunity to captivate your readers and keep them coming back for more. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! 😉

There are several ways to create a series that will have your readers eagerly awaiting your next release:

  1. Subject Series: Focus on a central theme, like The Successful Single Mom series, and explore different aspects of that topic in each book. 💪📚
  2. Path Series: Guide your readers through a journey, as Ben Hale and I did with the Write, Publish & Market Like a Boss book series for writers. Start here, go there, and keep them hooked! 🗺️💼
  3. Audience-Specific Series: Take a cue from The Miracle Morning series and tailor your content to specific audiences while maintaining core information. 🌄🎯

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “This sounds great, but how do I make it work for my books?” 🤔

Fear not, my friend! I dive deep into the nitty-gritty of crafting a series that will have your readers (and your bank account) singing your praises in the Building a Million Dollar Book Business Course. 🎵💰

From choosing the right series structure, to identifying which path to take, to choosing prospective co-authors and writing partners and beyond (including how to create a template for easy series creation with those co-authors), you’ll gain the tools and strategies to create a series that not only captivates your audience but also catapults your book business to new heights. 📈🚀

👩‍🎤Don’t let your books be one-hit wonders. Enroll in Building a Million Dollar Book Business today and learn how to create a series that will keep your readers (and your income) flowing! 💸📚

Get it here:

Stay tuned for another Book Marketing Minute tomorrow, where we’ll continue to unravel the secrets of book marketing success! Until then, happy writing, and may your book series be the talk of the town! 🙌🌟

Honorée Corder
Author. Author Strategist.

DISCLOSURE: Occasionally, I recommend books, products, and services I use and love. If you click on my referral link, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission on your purchase.

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Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

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