
Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

✍🏻 The Joy of Writing Can Be Yours! ✍🏻

Published 11 days ago • 1 min read


Irma Rombauer self-published the first Joy of Cooking in 1931.

The original subtitle was something like A Compilation of Reliable Recipes.

Because, let's face it: for the cooking challenged (🙋🏼‍♀️), having a recipe to follow that's easy to do and hard to screw up is muy bueno.

The tried-and-true recipe for pizza dough, grandma's chocolate cookies, or a busy night's chicken casserole can come in mighty handy.

And so went the inspiration behind Write Your First Nonfiction Book (just 99c right now everywhere). It was important to help aspiring authors just get into the process of writing their book by sharing what to write about in each chapter, and provide additional encouragement and confidence on every page.

My goal was to take the guesswork, doubt, and uncertainty out of the writing process, and replace it with certainty, direction, and guidance.

Since I published that book one year ago, I've heard from so many they've felt encouraged enough to put fingers to keyboard and write their book. (YAY!) Just like when I consult my copy of Joy of Cooking.

Something cool happened when I attended the 20Books Author Conference in Vegas in November. I met the founder of the writing software, PLOTTR, Cameron Sutter. We partnered to add the process from Write Your First Nonfiction Book to the PLOTTR so aspiring nonfiction authors could have a process and a visual, which is the basis for book writing magic!

If you haven't heard about it yet, PLOTTR is an app that allows you to have a complete visual of your book while you're writing it. So, if you're a visual person, you'll love it. If you like to be able to see a writing project from every perspective, again, you will love it!

Which is why you might want to tune into our webinar with Cameron in a few hours.

Sign up to join us here:

You'll find all of the newsletters from this past week here (including some really cool breaking news).

More book marketing comin' in hot Monday.

Honorée Corder
Author. Author Strategist.

Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

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