
Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], Avoid The WORST Book Writing Advice...Ever!

Published over 2 years ago • 2 min read

person using MacBook Pro

Dear Reader,

Today at 9 a.m. Eastern Time U.S., I'm speaking at Virtual Summit University (summits are one way authors can get traction for their books and their businesses), and I've got a free ticket for you (grab it here). of my podcast interviews got picked up by a legit Chicago radio station (WCKG 102.3). You can listen to it here. I talked with the host about turning your book into multiple income streams--one of my favorite topics. Now, let's talk about some of the worst book writing advice ever.

Here it is: Write Your Book in a Weekend!

While that sounds lovely--and perhaps even exciting--you cannot and should not attempt to write your entire book in a weekend. You can mind map your book in a weekend, get a great start on your outline in 48 hours, and even do some of the important action items that will support the long-term success of your book.

You can even take this course in a weekend, and know everything you need to know to craft, write, publish, launch, and market your book. Yes, all in a weekend. Ask me how.

But write it? Nope. Not even close. Your book, like your brand and your business, deserves your best. And your best will take time. It will require a financial investment (which I expect to give you a high ROI, BTW). It will take time and money and a team of qualified experts to do it right, and it's worth it.

How long? You get to decide--in I Must Write MY Book, I share three timeline tracks: 100, 180, or 365 days (all adjustable, of course, to fit your timeline and help you publish your book to coincide with a special occasion or event).

How much? It's going to cost a few thousand dollars or so to cover editing, proofreading, cover and interior design, and copy writing costs. It just will. And it is 100% worth it. In fact, I did the ROI calculation on You MUST Write a Book (a book I give away a lot), and it came to over 2300% per year for the past three years.

Worth the $4,600 I invested in it? You bet!

So, the next time someone suggests you can just write your book and publish it on Amazon easy as 1-2-3, please remember my advice. I'll be here ready to help you when you're really ready to write your book (and turn it into multiple income streams)! If you'd like to discover how I can help you with your book, you can book a 15-minute complimentary discovery call with me right here.

Happy writing!

To Your Success!
Honorée Corder

Book Spotlight:

I love biographies, especially ones where I feel like the author goes "open kimono" and shares things I didn't know about them before. And I've been a fan of Will Smith since episode one of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. (Nerd alert: I even scored 20 points in our weekly trivia game by answering correctly this question: What is the name of Will Smith's youngest female cousin in TFPoBA?) Ashley. Anyway...

So, I was pretty psyched when he released his book, WILL, in audiobook form and narrated it himself! This past summer, I had delighted in listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (which I listened to not once, but twice!), so I was hoping I would love it just as much--and I was not disappointed!

Will talked, rapped, sang, performed, and had what I can only imagine was a pretty awesome time producing the book, and I enjoyed all 15 hours right along with him. While this is a departure from my usual recommendations, I couldn't help myself, and I would be remiss if I didn't share it with you.

Have you read Will or Matthew's books? What did you think? If you haven't and I've inspired you to, by all means, let me know what you think when you're done.

Happy reading!

P.S. Want to go back and review the previous emails in this series? Click here to view my newsletter feed!

Hi! I'm Honorée Corder, Publishing Strategist, Author, Mastermind Host.

Sign up here to get my newsletter where I provide insight, tools, and information (plus a bit of inspiration) about how to craft, write, publish, launch, market and monetize your books--and build an empire! Once signing up, you will have the option to receive the daily emails or the weekly recap email. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

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