📗 9/25/24 The Trust Bridge & Pre-sale & Pre-Launch Strategy Revealed

Honorée Corder
Executive Book Producer & Author

Reading time: 3.5 minutes

Hey Reader!

Today we’re crossing The Trust Bridge and I’m lifting the curtain on my pre-launch strategy. Prepare for some relationship-building wisdom and book launch secrets…

Part I

When I was primarily business and executive coaching, I created the analogy that building trust with someone is like crossing a bridge--when you meet someone, they don't know, like, or trust you. It's your job to get to the place where they do--i.e., the other side of The Trust Bridge.

It takes time and there are stages.

I explore these three key aspects of The Trust Bridge in Business Networking:

• The Five Stages: From “Nice to meet you” to “I trust you implicitly,” learn how to navigate each crucial step.

• Patience is Key: Crossing The Trust Bridge takes time. Rushing can lead to a relationship collapse faster than you can say “network.”

• Authenticity Matters: Being genuine accelerates trust-building. Fake it, and you might as well be trying to cross the Grand Canyon on a tightrope.

Readers of the original Business Dating loved the fact that I provided a process, language, and concrete steps. Taking the guess-work out of the networking process was something they enjoyed about the book, so I updated the content without losing the most helpful material.

Curious to learn more? Get your copy here.

Part II

Now, let’s talk pre-launch strategy.

First, the jobs of the book. To invest in this book, I had to be clear about my "why," and define what the book is supposed to do. This book has two specific jobs for me:

  1. Provide insight into my networking process for clients and connections + a new title!
  2. The opportunity to re-title and re-publish the book ... provides a solid example of an effective title vs. and ineffective title.

    Sure, I have plenty of examples, but it's best if I throw myself under the bus than another author or publisher.

    Also, in a few weeks I'll be able to compare book pre-sales and first month's sales...and in a year, I should be able to see the "end" result of having a very effective title, subtitle, and cover.

I'm also interested in how long each part of the process takes, with a goal to combine speed with quality. It's one part ballet, one part relay race!

Next, the pre-launch strategy. Specifically, the online side of the launch. I implemented a three-pronged approach:

• Advanced Reader Team (ART): I formed a small ART from my larger Review Crew with an email requesting their help. The folks who have been on a previous ART (or many) are my logical go-to for future books.

• Pre-Sale: It's gotten challenging to truly time a launch (specifically on Amazon), and I never like to figure things out on a bespoke book client's book. The pre-sale price was just 99 cents to ensure my ART got the best price possible (and encourages verified reviews), as well as get my book into as many Kindles as possible for early adopters. But.

I'm on record as being against 99 cent launches, so by the time you read this, the book will be at it's regular price ($4.99). Since I'm in KU (Kindle Unlimited) for the first 90 days, I'll run a price promotion at the 60-day mark.

• Teaser Content: I shared that the book was available on social media and in my email newsletter to build anticipation and gain pre-orders. It's also important to note its been almost a decade since I've done a pre-order, so I was making note about what moved the needle, when Amazon promoted the pre-order, and more.

This strategy helped create buzz before the book even hit the proverbial shelves!

Let's talk offline strategy, a.k.a., getting traction with my personal network. Also three-pronged:

  • I talked about it. I'm often asked, "What are you working on?" I was ready with an answer and with a pre-order link to share.
  • I carried around the hardcover proof. The velvety (and dare I say very sexy) hardcover copy got a lot of "oohs" and "ahhs!" I got more than 100 single orders for signed physical copies, once they're available. If you'd like a signed hard cover copy, send $30 to @Honoree-Corder via Venmo and be sure to include who I'm signing it to and where I'm mailing it. U.S. only.
  • I made the ask! I asked my connections, "Who wants to order between 10-100 or more copies?" and set up a bulk order form. If this is you, reply to this email.

As you can see, quite a lot of thought goes into the pre-launch part of my Book MAP, but it's totally worth it!

I'll see you tomorrow.

To your networking and launch success!

Honorée Corder
Author. Executive Book Producer. Empire Builder.

P.S. Want to be on the early bird list for my next book? Join my "Review Crew" here to get advanced notice of upcoming titles!

P.P.S. Tomorrow, I'll share how I'm planning to market this book long-term. It's a strategy you won't want to miss!

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Honorée Corder: Author. Empire Builder. Publishing Strategist.

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Read more from Honorée Corder: Author. Empire Builder. Publishing Strategist.
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